Monday, October 26, 2015

Mental Health and Drugs

Drugs are a necessary part of mental health, but they can also be a hindrance. This is especially so for those who don't understand how easily it is to get hooked on drugs. Those who want to remain mentally healthy and who insist on knowing the effect of any drug they take into their bodies will insist on taking medicine when it is absolutely necessary. Of course, if they are in the midst of an acute episode of mental illness, that decision will be made by medical professionals, or should be, but what I am speaking of here is the daily routine of simply taking a pill for every little down moment or slight pain they may have.

What I am thinking of is how to get messages across to people to learn more about their bodies, no one knows it better than the person claiming it as their own, In other words, don't reach for a pain pill, even a mild pain pill purchased over the counter, until you fully understand the reason for the pain. Think. Review your past activities and see what you may have done, or have not done, that brought about the headache, the backache, the other negative feelings that are mentally painful. As an illustration, are you lacking in sleep, have you been lifting heavy objects that you know from experience you should not do or are needlessly worrying over things others are doing that is not under your control. Be truthful with yourself and begin to use your mind to help you discover the reasons for your discomfort.

(Understand that I am only speaking to those who may be in a danger zone of becoming addicted to powerful pain killers, and not those already addicted or who, for whatever reason are in need of strong pain killers.) Your mind is your best friend when it becomes necessary to make important decisions and one of the most important ones you'll ever make is to not become a drug addict. Yes, yes, yes, you do have that choice and it is much easier to decide before you have gone into the deep.

It's not necessary for me to point out how people become addicts, who helped the horrendous process along, what is being done about, etc. because all you have to do is to listen the news on the TV, read the paper to find all kinds of information. I have many ideas along those lines but for me, the decision to not become hooked on drugs started very early in life. I was warned by caring instructors when, nearly seventy years ago, as a nursing student, how important and dangerous drugs are. I never forgot.

So where do you begin your preventive measures to be healthier and more caring toward your own body? Now. You can't do anything about the past, but you are in control of now and that will make an important dent in how you feel tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Too, don't forget about your creator, unbelievable help will come from simply praying and asking Him for guidance. And It's free!

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