Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Procrastination; procrastination; procrastination afflicts us all

It is so easy to put off doing what we know we should be doing and I am guilty of doing just that. I want to tell the world about the ideas I have that may help another toward better mental health, but I do not always find the time. I hope to do better in the future. Since I no longer write for Helium, I have almost abandoned the Internet entirely. I do so for a valid reason: My eyesight is poor and I need whatever light I have to do my daily chores, therefore I have all but abandoned my goal of making known my thoughts and ideas on mental health.

However, what is more important and what better use can one make of the remaining time one has here on earth? I will answer that quite truthfully--for me at least--I am selfish. I find it more pleasurable to read. At the present I am reading the works of Willa Cather and am fascinated by her descriptive viewpoints of the Midwest at the turn of the Century. Yet, henceforth, I will try to limit myself to one or two chapters a day and in the meantime try to take notes so that I can share some viewpoints I have of mental health in general. She was a fantastic writer and she knew human nature and shows, without any preaching and any holier-than-thou attitudes, the ways in which humans react to the struggles of life. And believe me, and her, at the turn of the century as immigrants from Europe and from the Eastern US moved into the new virgin territories there was plenty of struggles. Fascination reading, to say the least.

As for better mental health, it's better to get those chores or meaning to things done first and when we do that, we free ourselves for others that may be more pleasurable. Yet, I do not mean to imply that writing these blogs, six or seven on this theme, is a chore. Far from it, but I will have to admit after I have added added insights I do feel as if I have accomplished something that others may likewise enjoy. We certainly cannot keep all our good activities and thoughts to ourselves. Our Creator programmed us toward his interests and our journey on earth should be in that direction. The Bible clearly states, somewhere in Gospels, that its no good to hide our light under bushel baskets.

Who really knows when words put together honestly and with the thought of maybe lightening another's load will find a welcome? They often do and for that reason I hereby intend to stop procrastinating and will attempt to be a better blogger. What would we who have so few outlets for our thoughts find a better place than Google. I thank them with my whole heart.

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