Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Old People

Old People don't always think of themselves as old and out of sorts, although they may be. They are actually only people who have lived longer on earth than most. They appreciate that fact and, if mentally healthy, take that fact into consideration when others ignore them or act as if they know nothing. They understand that the youth must act their age and they have not yet lived in the world as long as they have.

Sure, live was different then, but the youth of today only read about that time in history books or see movies about 'the good old times'. Was it really that good? It was probably not, but our bodies are created a way of helping us forget the bad and remembering only the good. Or at least, if we work at learning who we are, we must make room for all the errors and wrong judgments we made. It's the finished product that's important!!! That sounds egotistical, but older people will tell you being near the finish line is not so bad. Nor is it the end of the world. They're just trading it all in for a better place, hopefully.

And please help old people when they need help and ask their advice and just treat them as regular people. They understand more about you than you think they do. They love the youth of their day and old women especially love to brag about their grandchildren. The see them as the redeemers of the future and, in fact, sort of gauge all youth by them. Well, some of them do. You must understand we are all different and some of us have children and some do not. It's all part of the big picture and they know they are only a minute speck of dust. Or that is what they will become when they pass on. Only, and this is the important part, the best part, the soul, will live on and on.

Even when old, life is good. And don't forget to thank your Creator daily for  that fact. It's only through him that those who are nearing the finishing place, have the patience and the past experiences to make this truly a 'golden age'. So be good, young people, and slow down and enjoy the journey. It will be over all too soon. Wherever you are, I am keeping you in my prayers. I want you to be around a long time. Life and time is simply too precious to waste. So, take a warning, don't get hooked on drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or that other activity that all too often leads youth astray. Until the next time this old Lady want to talk, take care. (Ignore any grammatical mistakes: old people sometimes are a bit lazy.)

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