Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pray and Pray Often and Why it's Important

Praying isn't complicated, it's only communicating with God. You can tell him anything you want to tell him, ask questions, and yes, even gripe. Of course you must realize, that he, being all knowing and will instantaneously know your innermost workings, will not turn you off. What he might do is find a way of helping you better understand yourself, thus your problems and frustrations. But, there's one thing you must do, be sincere. There is no way you are going to pull one over on the Master.

How can I say these things, you ask? From experience! I have learned that no matter how painful or terrible my feelings are, talking the matter or the dilemma over with him, gives me insight. It also gives me truthful looks into my own soul. Maybe, I have been careless, have committed a few little sins, (at my age, no big ones, I've learned better. The price is too high.) Little sins? Well, perhaps I've talked a little too freely about someone, been impatient when I should have been thoughtful, been lazy, vain, etc, etc, etc.

I can also say these things because it is apparent the world, the shape it's in now, must be in need of only what he can deliver, the truth of his existence and his favors. When human beings, earth creatures who try to manage on their own, or create their own god from outside of themselves, they miss the mark totally. Only he knows each person inside and out, and when you pray  and pray with heartfelt longing to understand your purpose on this earth, he will open pathways for you to get in touch with your better self. Of course it all starts with the truth. The truth as you know it, of course. Once you learn more about yourself and have cleaned out  your mental storage vaults where you've kept your lies hidden, the truth of yourself shines through. What a difference that will make. You will be amazed at the new you.

In this final thought, only one more thing. My views on the controversy over the three persons in one God. The father is in heaven. Yet, over two-thousand years ago, finding no easier solution, had himself born on earth. In this way he came to show the world its errant ways and find a means for their redemption. You know of course what happened to him, but he bore it feely for our sake. After going back to heaven he sent his spirt, just as he had promised, and his followers carried on. The way he worked his wonders then is still at work today, but there's much distraction and disbelief getting in the way. What can you do?


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